Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Back in the Air

One life goal later, I have recently received word back from the Flight Physician that I have taken care of my Diabetes, and am now eligible to not only fly again, but fly for hire, and instruct.

The Doctor was kind enough to point out that I was one of his only patients that actually did what I was told. Even then it took years of hard work to undo the insulin resistance, and even then I am not really cured, just doing a whole lot better.

Oh yeah, and even as I say this, I just heard that the Corn Refiners association is producing commercials lauding High Fructose Corn Syrup. WTF?!? The commercials depict housewives and others unable to come up with any reason why it's not bad for them. And by the way, they tell us, apparently HFCS has no artificial ingredients, "It's just corn" the commercial informs us.

No, it's not. Read this for a clinical view.

But read this for the real low down correlating obesity and promotion of super sized soft drinks.

And then this one to visualize what you do to your body when you drink a single coke. for starters, imagine 10 teaspoons of High Fructose Corn Syrup in every ... single ... can. And the only reason you don't immediately throw it up is because it's mixed with phosphoric acid.

P.S. For Helen, this is the beginning of the promised "Food Rant." More to come, have to get my thoughts organized with data.


At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may have to print that page out for my kids.
Substitute 7-up (cause I don't let 'em have the caffeine), and maybe then they'll understand why I say they can have one or two sodas a WEEK... not even one daily.

And those ads re HFCS? someone really should enact a law that makes misleading advertising a crime.


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