Sunday, February 20, 2005

55 days

Still not feeling 100%, so only a light spin around the block. Of course since I live in the Texas "Hill Country", that's not necessarily an easy thing :)

I got my Tour de Cure registration package today, including a T-shirt - woo-hoo! So now I must ask all my friends and relatives to contribute to Diabetes research (I've already met my goals for fund raising the MS 150). There are prizes for the riders depending on how much you raise, nice things like a riding Jersey etc. I think that's really nice.

Speaking of diabetes, I took a crucial diabetes test recently, called the HbA1C, which tells a person how their glucose control has been over the last 3 to 4 months. It tells you the percentage of your hemoglobin that's been affected by having too much glucose in the blood. My reading was 7.2%, which is good, but could use improvement. A normal reading will be at or below 7%. A terrific reading is 6%. A reading of 8% puts you into drug or insulin treatment, so in reality, there is not much room for screwing up. The bike riding exercise towards the MS 150 and the Tour de Cure should really help this number go down.

Well, the HbA1C tale will be told in another 30 days.

Cheers boys!


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