Thursday, February 17, 2005

58 days

Today I trained for an hour on the stationary bicycle trainer, keeping up a pretty good pace. I kept a cadence of about 80 RPM with a heart rate of 120, which is pretty good for a first hour. My legs didn't hurt at the end, my hands did. Hmph. Lost lots of water, a reminder to drink regularly on the real tour days. The really good blood glucose was 99 after exercise and rest - solidly in the good range.

Speaking of blood sugar, yesterday I found out a close friend has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and has been put on insulin immediately. Bummer. So the Tour de Cure is a big one for both of us now. Go to the Sponsor a Rider web page for the Tour de Cure and sponsor me!

Didn't get my bike today, hope to get it tomorrow, but it may be the weekend until I see the thing together.


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